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About Meg

Meg loves to capture life's special moments and create lasting memories for you to treasure. From the tear rolling down your husband's face when he glimpses his bride for the first time, to the sleepy cuddles with a newborn baby, Meg is honored to be present
during these beautiful moments.

Originally from west Michigan, Meg has travelled the world and enjoys exploring new scenes and sunsets. Settled in Frankenmuth with her husband, Erik, and darling daughter, Piper, Meg now has a passion for
local culture and is immersed in community service.

Offering a boutique studio located in the outskirts of Frankenmuth, and a willingness to travel, Meg will help create a unique set for your special day. By showcasing the many beautiful spots in the surrounding area, Meg is able to tailor each studio session into a special experience that will live forever as art upon your wall.

Meg looks forward to meeting you and answering any questions you may have!

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